Thursday 28 July 2016

Indomie Is not Cancerous!

In Today’s’ generation, people have become very lazy when it comes to cooking especially the bachelors and spinsters and youths. The reason behind all this is because there is exceptional food that is processed and ready to eat this food is indomie. What people need to know is that indomie should not be consumed frequently and in large amounts because of the effects on the blood vessels, heart and body weight.  Indomie is not good food especially for children because it is neither balanced food nor healthy.

Types of indomie
·         Indomie is already very high in sodium and carbohydrates.
People with hypertension should know that this meal might contribute to poor blood pressure control. Those trying to lose weight and burn the calories cannot afford to be addicted to frequent consumption of indomie. Note that indomie should be eaten in small quantities.
·         Indomie is low in fibres, vitamins and minerals.
It’s obvious that for growing children, a good source of protein must be included in every meal of indomie. Adding some vegetables would at last balance the equation. Make sure your indomie meal is richly endowed.
You all need to know that indomie has no harmful additives or preservatives. The flavoring powder or the mbumbu sauce is safe. Indomie doesn’t cause cancer. It doesn’t make children dull or stubborn or sick.

Wednesday 13 July 2016

It's July The Cold Season

There being very foggy in the mornings and chilly evenings whereby even during the day there is no any sign of sunshine, this is the best time that people find for staying indoors and maybe read novels or watch their favorite movies as they enjoy a hot cup of coffee or a hot cup of ginger tea.However, as people enjoy themselves this season,it also brings diseases not only common cold that many are familiar with.
 Diseases that occur during the cold season.
However, along with numerous joys, the season also brings diseases with it. If you think that the common cold is the only “common” disease in winters, then you are highly mistaken.

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  1. ASTHMA ATTACKS. The cold and dry air leads to tightening of airways and makes it worse while breathing. To avoid the attack, make some changes like keeping your homes smoke free and wash all your bed covers at least once a week to avoid dust.
  2. HEART ATTACKS. During the cold seasons, the temperature falls and the arteries become constricted making it hard for the heart to pump blood.Persons above the age of 30 should not expose themselves to the cold weather. People should not overeat foods during the cold season but instead should eat small quantities.
  3. ITCHY SKIN. Cold temperatures with low humidity result to itchy skin. The best way to prevent this is by avoiding oily foods in the streets, applying almond, coconut or olive oil on your skin to avoid flakes and drink tea made with jaggery.
  4. SINUSITIS. Coughing, headaches,running nose and post nasal drip symptoms make people feel miserable during the cold season. Sinus problem occur when houses are closed and there is no proper ventilation. To avoid sinusitis during this season, make sure you get enough rest, eat healthy and drink plenty of hot or warm drinks to avoid catching a cold and also stay away from dust.

However, along with numerous joys, the season also brings diseases with it. If you think that the common cold is the only “common” disease in winters, then you are highly mistaken. - See more at:
However, along with numerous joys, the season also brings diseases with it. If you think that the common cold is the only “common” disease in winters, then you are highly mistaken. - See more at:

Monday 11 July 2016

Diabetes Risks.

Diabetes is a lifelong condition that causes a person’s blood sugar level to become too high.

Treatment for diabetes.
People who have diabetes may have a higher chance of developing cancer either before or immediately after receiving a diagnosis of diabetes, according to a study published online in the American Cancer Society’s journal, Cancer. This society has stated that colon cancer, for example, is more likely to affect the diabetic people. Colon cancer shares many of the risk factors of diabetes including body weight issues, a lack of physical activity, smoking, alcohol, and consuming a lot of red and processed meat.

“There is excellent evidence that diabetes can be prevented and that the metabolic changes leading to diabetes can be reversed with lifestyle changes, Similarly, diet and exercise interventions have also been shown to reduce cancer risks and improve cancer outcomes in the general population, “Said DR. Llian Lega.

People with diabetes can live long and healthy lives when their diabetes is detected and well-managed. Early diagnosis and consultation is the starting point of living well with diabetes. Diabetes is a disease that is likely to cause blindness, amputation and kidney failure.
Tools used to treat diabetes.