Wednesday 22 June 2016

What Bananas Can Do.

The consumption of bananas is very beneficial to your health rather than taking the junk foods which many people nowadays adore which they are not aware that they are killing themselves slowly? According to the medical researchers, bananas can prevent diseases such as cancer, asthma, blood pressure, they can improve heart health and they can also prevent memory loss and boost your moods.

Bananas contain vitamin C which helps to prevent the formation of free radicals that cause cancer. On the other hand, bananas being very rich in fiber prevent colorectal cancer which is the cancer that affects the colon or the rectum.

Taking one banana per day or especially feeding it to your young ones reduces the chances of them developing or having an asthmatic attack. Therefore, ONE BANANA A DAY KEEPS YOU AWAY FROM ASTHMA.

A banana having no sodium lowers the blood pressure and for the banana having 12% of potassium, it reduces the vasodilation effects which cause an increase in blood flow. Note that, a high potassium intake is associated with a 20% decreased risk of dying from all causes of BP.

The nutrients which are in the banana such as vitamin B6, manganese, vitamin C, potassium, fiber, copper and biotin all support heart health. Among all these nutrients, potassium is the best known nutrient that lowers the risk of death from heart diseases. High potassium intake also reduces the risk of stroke and reduction in the formation of kidney stones.

Bananas also contain an amino acid known as tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to promote relaxation and improve mood and also preserves ones memory. Hence they help you to feel happier.

Other roles that bananas can play is the treatment of diarrhea and can also prevent diabetes.

after a mosquito bite

Also, many people find that rubbing a mosquito bite with the skin helps reduce the irritation but do they know that, the inside of a banana skin can be used to calm an itchy mosquito bite? Through experience, to me this is very true and practical.

The inside of a banana skin can also be used to polish shoes. Please try this and believe you me it will work out very well.

Bananas have no fat, cholesterol or sodium and they provide quick but sustainable energy boost in a natural, nutritious and easily digestible form.

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